首页 > 言情小说 > 人在四合院:我成了何雨柱 > 上传错误了

上传错误了(第3/6 页)

最新言情小说小说: 说好礼仪之邦,华夏十四亿魔修?都市之道士下山修真大佬的星际生活被娱乐圈封杀,我蒙面做直播万人迷娇宠手册医妃倾天下:王爷狂宠世无双不修仙的我谈起了恋爱楼兰雪顾总,夫人她认罪跳楼了!平平无奇的我也等当主角?重生后我笑看人生返生是非梦风流小屌丝孽徒小心,师尊是朵黑莲花年代文里嫁极品,我懒馋他奸猾东东日记:光阴十二载陆总,爱不逢时别强求天道幼儿园:萌宝也能修仙超凡寄生:我一手导演了恐怖复苏三爷,你家小姑娘又立功了

legs. This day, the gods did not change.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"Come in, please."

Knock on the door interrupted He Yuzhu leisurely life, looking at the door to e in, his head rose a few question marks, who is this ah.

"Director He, I'm Ma Ma. Director Li asks you to e here. Is it convenient for you now?"

He Yuzhu looked at his smiling face wrinkled, immediately feel cold back, this should be a weasel to chicken New Year, Director Li can call himself why, a look is uneasy good.

"I'm fine now. Let's go. Don't keep Director Li waiting." He Yuzhu ready to see the move open move, see Li director gourd in the end to sell what medicine.

"Come in, please."

Secretary Ma opened the door, "Director Li, Director He is ing." Then he went out and closed the door. Only He Yuzhu and Director Li were left in the room.

Director Li stood up and quickly came to hold He




