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第一百二十四章 春绿(第2/2 页)

最新其他类型小说: 朕登基后,文武百官患上PTSD新世纪福音战士,在维修部的故事非典型通关手册叶罗丽:命运星辰获得杀生丸模板,路飞邀我上船彼怀景安综影视:审判宣言江总的金丝雀养着养着就飞了奶娃捉鬼太强,皇城高呼小祖宗我的媳妇是阴山女帝综艺直播:我带明星荒野求生穿六零,饿肚皮,我有粮食满仓港综之警队话事人穿虫族和顶级貌美本土雄虫搞纯爱人在星际,开局发老婆语音厅:逐光恶毒女配系统离开后,她重寻旧爱我在宝可梦世界种田怪猎:星辰之迹快穿:我家宿主不得了

The leaves grow well,

Flowers and plants grow freely, many of them are not named,

There grow cicadas in summer;

The river often overflows, and the rainy season is always warm,

My friends like to catch fish,

Autumn is a mature day with yellow and red leaves

It's like missing in a fairy tale, covering the earth gently.

There are traces of bicycles running over the ramp,

There are fireflies in autumn, and there are countless stars.

Despite the TV and radio,

Adults prefer to sit outside and chat.

Yes, this is what I am describing now. The reason why I still want to recall it is that it is being abandoned by the times.

Those simple things that are green, fresh, lively and casual, and do not need literature and art to repeat, are gradually replaced by some plicated and boring things,

Maybe memories often forget the content of bad mood,

But o





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